Why I Write
This blog is my attempt at ameliorating that. As someone who has found their purpose in life to be learning and creating, writing offers me a unique opportunity to do just that. Out of all topics I've written about so far, the subject I've learned the most about is myself. Each time I find myself alone with my thoughts, I discover them to be fragmented, overwhelming, or unintelligible. Writing forces me to slow my thinking down, distilling my cacophonous whirlwind of thoughts into a quiet library through which I can peacefully peruse. As Fareed Zakaria put it, "Thinking and writing are inextricably intertwined." After each writing session, I walk away with some newfound insights about who I am as a human being and what I have to offer to the world.
Writing about a topic I'm learning about has proved itself to be the best teacher out there. It reveals the gaping crevices in my understanding, allowing me to go back and patch up the holes. My articles serve as the perfect one-stop shop for myself, were I to revisit the topic several months later. Considering I was the one to write them, I know that they will be comprehensible, which is a valuable proxy for their efficacy. I personally require very intuitive and fundamental explanations of topics, paired with illustrative visualizations, to properly retain the knowledge. If I had the superpower of absorbing information in a heartbeat, I wouldn't need my blog. Someone else coming along and also benefiting from my writing is the cherry on top.
Writing about a topic is also incredibly useful for the next time I speak about it, whether in a debate or discussion. As I already have had time to marshal my thoughts, I know that I can speak confidently without the fear of stuttering. My friends are the first to benefit from this as I'm sometimes the one they approach seeking advice. It's my obligation to vet the quality of the information I'm relaying, a process that's already been done through my writing.
This blog features several categories, which more to come. I've also inserted the target audience of each topic (besides myself, as I am part of the intended audience for all categories).
- Tutorials: These articles delve deeply into specific technical topics, aiming to serve as a refresher for me or an informative introduction for beginners. The target audience includes those seeking to learn about those particular topics.
- Industry: These articles outline my thoughts and perspectives on the broader tech industry. It might be about school, personal projects, or interview prep. The target audience is people already in the tech industry or looking to enter.
- Technology: These articles are about a specific piece of technology. They won't be as technical as the tutorials category and aim to cater to a broader array of individuals who could benefit from the tech.
- Life: These articles stem from my 21 years on this planet. My goal through writing these isn't to impose my personal beliefs onto others; rather, it's to evoke some self-reflection in the reader, to shake the tree of human thinking and see what insights fall out. If one disagrees with me—good, as long as it has made them stop and think why that is so.
Sourish Shares serves as a platform for me to share my knowledge, experiences, and insights with others while also being a therapeutic outlet for myself. I love seeing the impact of my writing, so if any of my articles resonate deeply with you, have imparted upon you a new way of thinking, or even if you just think about one of them from time to time, I want to know! There is no greater joy than learning my writing has benefited someone else.